Troodon OBD manual thumbnail

Manuals and software for Troodon

On this page, you will find downloadable files to assist with using the Troodon and Troodon OBD devices.

Troodon OBD manual

Click on one of the links below to download the Troodon manual in PDF format.

Troodon manual

Click on one of the links below to download the Troodon manual in PDF format.

Název souboruOdkaz
Troodon manual UserGuide_Troodon_EN.pdf (40 downloads )
TS Wizard manual (software update)link to manual



Click on one of the links below to download the desired software.

Název souboruOdkaz
Diag Center software
(for diagnostic software from 2022)
DiagCenterSetup4.exe (275 downloads )
PC Center software
(for diagnostic software from 2020 to 2022)
PCCenterSetup4.exe (293 downloads )
PC Center software
(for diagnostic software up to 2019)
PCCenterSetup4-TRDN-old.exe (123 downloads )
software thumbnail