TSPro 10 thumbnail

Manuals and software for TSPro devices

Downloadable files for TSPro, TSPro Color, and TSPro 10 devices. If you need assistance with a specific task not covered in the manual, feel free to contact us at diagnostika@devcom.cz, and we will be happy to help.

TSPro 10 manuals

The table below contains links to manuals for the TSPro 10 tablet. Comprehensive user guides are no longer issued for the device; individual instructions are available online or directly on the device. The links open in a new tab, and the main manual can be downloaded in PDF format.

File nameLanguageLink
Software updates Englishlink to manual
Short guidebookEnglish TS02-108_priruckaZkracena-v4-EN-1.pdf (1 download )

TSPro and TSPro Color manuals

Click on one of the links below to download the TSPro manual in PDF format.


Click on one of the links below to download the desired software.

File nameLink
Diag Center Software
(for diagnostic software from 2022)
DiagCenterSetup4.exe (275 downloads )
PC Center Software
(for diagnostic software from 2020 to 2022)
PCCenterSetup4.exe (204 downloads )
PC Center Software
(for diagnostic software up to 2019)
PCCenterSetup4-old.exe (128 downloads )
Software for older TSPro oscilloscopes UDP_ScopeII_setup.exe (536 downloads )
software thumbnail