The ARINC Hub is primarily a device designed for multiplexing several ARINC429 buses into two. It also has the capability to receive a subset of NMEA/ARNAV/Northstar messages over RS232/RS422 and reinterpret them as ARINC429 messages.
Technical parameters
ARINC 429 RX: 8× Input port
ARINC 429 TX: 3× Output port
RS 232/422485: 3× Communication port
RS 232: 1× Service port
MILL 1553 (optional): 2× Bus
DIN: 8× Digital input
DOUT SolidState: 6× Digital output
DOUT RELAY: 2× Relay output
General Parameters
Voltage (nom.): 27,5 V DC
Voltage (operative): 11…30 V DC
Current (nom.): 0,3 A
Power Consumption: 8,25 W
Operating temperature: -55 – 70 °C
Storage temperature: -55 – 85 °C
Humidity: max. 95 %
Connectors: Circular 37 pin
Dimensions: 177 x 39 x 134 mm
Weight: 1000 g ± 10 %
The ARINC Hub supports both high and low speed ARINC429 buses as inputs and outputs. The device also has hardware interfaces for ARINC825 and MIL1553, which can configured based on customer request.